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Ami Facebook d'Hannibal
Arma 3 - Les mises à jour
25-03-2013, 15h17
Première grosse mise à jour pour la version alpha et alpha lite d'Arma 3, qui fait passer le jeu en 0.52. De nombreux problèmes connus sont encore répertoriés (>>
-Showcase SCUBA:
Seuil d'alarme plus indulgent
Ajout de conseils supplémentaires
Amélioration des fins du scénario
Ajout de roquettes supplémentaires pour le lanceur
-Showcase Helicopters:
Optimisation des performances
Quelques modifications mineures
-Showcase Vehicles:
Seuil d'alarme plus indulgent
Quelques modifications mineures
-MP: Escape from Stratis
Correction: succès de la mission après la reprise du jeu
Module "Combat Get In" ajouté
Le temps de respawn est maintenant de 30 secondes (au lieu de 120)
Amélioration des fins de mission
Une nouvelle tâche apparaît quand les deux hélicoptères sur l'aérodrome sont détruits
Nouvelle fin de mission pour "tous les bateaux et les hélicoptères détruits"
Message d'avertissement lorsque le chef de groupe est contrôlé par l'IA
Le Ka-60 Black en patrouille décharge maintenant des troupes sous les tirs ennemis
Plus d'ennemis à l'aérodrome
Ajout de nouvelles localisations sur la map
-MP: Headhunters
La tâche «Exfiltrer» est maintenant définie comme actuelle après l'élimination de toutes les cibles
La mission se terminera lorsque chacun des joueurs sera soit près du marqueur "exfil", soit dans un bateau
Module "Combat Get In" ajouté
Désynchronisation possible lors du respawn en multijoueur corrigée
-Nouvel écran de fin de scénario ajouté
-Amélioration visuelle des notifications de tâche
-Mouette en respawn "BIRD", "GROUPE" et "SIDE" remplacée par une simple caméra spectateur
-Le bouton Scénario est maintenant toujours disponible, même quand il n'y a pas de contenu
-Ajout d'entrées supplémentaires dans le
Field Manual
-Compas et montre redimensionnés
-Rotation du minigun du Ka-60 corrigée
-Pénétration des portes et des vitres du Ka-60 corrigée
-Les passagers du MH-9 peuvent maintenant voir la queue
-Armes des hélicoptères peaufinées
-Les noms de classe des Ifrits sont maintenant les bons
-L'Alamut et le MX SW ont maintenant les bons icônes dans le menu de commande
-Les contre-mesures sont maintenant stockées dans une seule "case" par véhicule
-Ajout du bon logo Alpha Lite dans les écrans de démarrage
-La plupart des fenêtres des maisons est maintenant destructible
-Les armes statiques devraient être plus solides, ne devraient pas être ciblées par des missiles guidés et ne devraient pas être démontées par un joueur lorsqu'elles sont détruites
-Ajout de camouflages supplémentaires disponibles pour les gilets et casques
-Les uniformes de la faction Red ont leurs propres noms de classe
-Priorités modifiées dans le menu d'action
-Les mires en métal du TRG ont été modifiées en tenant compte des commentaires
collimator sights
sont maintenant utilisés en priorité sur les lunettes combinées (Ctrl + RMB par défaut pour changer)
-Tremblement pour les munitions 6.5mm retiré
-Correction de quelques chevauchements dans l'interface utilisateur du navigateur multijoueur.
-L’adresse URL squad.xml ne sera plus directement modifiée en majuscule (écriture possible en minuscule)
-Correction du chargement de l'éditeur qui était long lors de l'utilisation des fusils MX
-Ajout de la vue libre dans les véhicules via l'option par défaut
-Les couleurs des traceurs ont correctement été réparties entre les factions
-Le poisson devrait être moins enclin à voyager sur les terres
-Amélioration des ombres
-Amélioration de la performance du réseau (les véhicules ne laggent plus autant)
-Correction de plusieurs crashs du jeu
-Correction de la synchronisation des équipements posés en MP
-Correction de divers bugs et crashs liés à l'inventaire
-Amélioration des collisions de véhicule
-Les grenades ne peuvent plus être jetées sous l'eau
-Correction des secousses de la caméra en avion/hélicoptère
-Les versions par défaut et en développement ont une numérotation différente pour éviter les incompatibilités en multijoueur
Dernière modification par
26-10-2013, 13h51
Père fondateur
Lecteur de Sun Tzu
26-03-2013, 20h05
Mini mise à jour aujourd'hui, vraisemblablement pour régler un problème de crash en multi. Un autre message des développeurs sur leurs processus de mise à jour :
FROM: Project Lead
TO: Alpha Users
INFO: First big update and Community Focus
Yesterday we deployed the first update on the default branch of both the Alpha and the Alpha Lite (same changes). Next to a set of miscellaneous fixes, tweaks and additions, it also included some work-in-progress shadow improvements. The main idea was to make them look more soft, hide artifacts and also optimize the shaders powering them a little. We've also learned new lessons from this first 'patch', which we'll incorporate into our processes for the next one. We do have to keep stressing that we are in Alpha, meaning even pre-Beta. This means some updates will be a step forward in various areas, and potentially a step back in certain others (temporarily we hope). It also causes a lot of maintenance for creators of custom content and server administrators. Please remain patient as updates propagate into everyone's game, their servers and the mods.
The 0.52 version unfortunately contained a particularly nasty crash in multiplayer, for which we have published a default branch hotfix.
Not all issues you may encounter are caused by the vanilla Alpha. Our own work is far from done, but please do take into account the potential downside of mods. If they become incompatible due to a game update, they may even cause the game not to start. First try to disable or remove mods and test again. Next, look for updates to such mods, or check with their creators about their status. This is a pitfall of being an open platform and having modding even during Alpha, but we firmly stand behind leaving it enabled throughout.
We've started to highlight cool community content via several channels. The main website has a Community Focus widget with several tabs that will be updated regularly. And on our social channels we'll occasionally link to useful websites, cool content, nice machinima and exciting mods. Let us know about nice content by Tweeting our official channel, using #Arma3, or promoting it in the forums.
It's almost time to let you know the specifics of the Supporter Edition and who made it into the credits for example. We feel we have a solution that is fair, given some of the troubles on release day. A special page with details and the opt-in functionality for those people will be made available soon. We again wish to thank everybody who is supporting us and Arma 3 development!
Your Player ID (visible in the profile settings) may have changed to be longer. This is not a bug. Please update your Squad's XML indexing if you use it for multiplayer.
Performance optimizations, anti-cheat solutions, Dedicated Server packages and tool releases are all in progress. They are big tasks and once we have specific deployment dates, we will share those.
The 0.52 update and all other updates are automatically downloaded via Steam if you did not manually disable that option. Sometimes restarting the Steam client helps to trigger the update, if it did not do so automatically.
Evidemment ça reste une alpha, donc il faut s'attendre à voir des ajouts qui seront retirés pour être réimplantés une fois revus, etc...
C'est la première fois que j'achète un jeu en Alpha et je trouve que voir le développement "de l'intérieur" est passionnant
Shérif retraité
Ami Facebook d'Hannibal
15-04-2013, 16h22
Deuxième mise à jour importante pour la version alpha et alpha lite d'Arma 3, faisant passer le jeu en 0.54. De nombreux problèmes sont encore répertoriés (>>
Partiellement traduit
Added: improved public debug console
New light rendering added for bushes
More detailed middle distance terrain texture added
Adjustable stances for sidearms added
Sprint speed decreased
Tweaked transitions from ragdoll
Fixed transition from free fall into swimming and onto land
-Nouvelles animations pour la nage avec un fusil
-Correction de la course "à genoux" avec un fusil.
Rifle raised idling for AI fix
-Amélioration des mouvements du pistolet en position couchée
-Rifle & pistol evasive move fixes (disabled optics)
-Suppression de l’oscillation avec l'ajustement vers le bas en position couchée
Pistol self healing (?)
-Amélioration de l'animation de la course "à genoux" avec une arme levée
-Amélioration de la transition entre la position couchée et la course
-Le joueur pouvait tirer à l'arme de poing durant l'animation de soin.
-Le passage de la position couchée à un sprint en étant désarmé causait un glissement visuel.
-Ajustement de la priorité des actions dans le menu action.
-Petites corrections de placement d'objets et du terrain de Stratis.
-Ajouts de nouveaux effets post-process pour les blessures
-Correction de la jauge de fuel pour la famille d'hélicoptère MH-9
-Le MH-9 peut maintenant embarquer plus de soldats
-Multiplication de l'icone cible dans le Ka60 quand l'affichage du viseur tête haute était retiré
Ifrit cargo pose added (?)
-Visualisation du compas modifiée
-Nouvelles ombres secondaires LODs (lunettes, bandoulières, ceintures, respirateurs (bouteilles des plongeurs))
-Petites corrections de la sélection du camouflage
-Correction: les sites (?) ne placent plus des points de passage de patrouille sur l'eau
-Les emplacements civils étaient désactivés
-Les écrans Logo et
ont fusionné
-Le menu principal du jeu et l'indicateur de version pouvaient se chevaucher
-Ajout: une mission avec un fichier description.ext affiche maintenant le texte "Unknown" au chargement de la mission
Unknown author
s'affiche aussi pour les cartes
-Correction: une mission recommencée réinitialise maintenant le compteur de rechargement
-Ajout: le chargement d'une sauvegarde "continue" n'augmentera plus le compteur de rechargement
-Correction: une mission échouée avait deux écrans de debriefing
-Correction: la fin "Lose" ne s'affiche plus avec le titre "Mission Completed"
-Correction: l'icone
n'est plus affichée pour les
-Correction de la sélection incorrecte de sujet après la fermeture et la réouverture du
Field Manual
-Correction: le bouton "Respawn" n'est plus activé dans les missions avec les réapparitions "NONE", "BIRD" ou sans paramètre
-Ajout: le paramètre "respawnButton" peut maintenant activer les types de réapparition qui étaient jusqu'alors désactivés
-Géométrie corrigée (collisions de l'IA avec les bâtiments corrigées)
-Nettoyage des classes
pour les armes
-Nouvelle technologie pour le brouillard
-Optimisation du
-Petites corrections sur les ombres du terrain
-Correction: l'IA ne tirent plus sur des cibles qu'elle ne voit pas (mais qui étaient localisées par d'autres membres du groupe)
-Fusion des changements et corrections provenant des patchs bêta d'Arma 2 : OA
-Correction de la synchronisation de position MP
-Amélioration des performances relatives à l'instanciation d'objet
Fixed - AI disembarking when moving to another vehicle position incorrectly
-Correction du crash au chargement du jeu avec "addAction"
-Correction des crashs liés aux collisions PhysX
-Correction: crash en prenant un RPG Alamut posé au sol
Larger string buffer for the 'format' script command
-Correction: le rechargement de différent type de chargeur ne fait rien mais enlève le chargeur (?)
-Correction de la destruction de véhicule utilisé avec des objets dans leur inventaire
-Correction de la position des créatures ambiantes après le chargement du jeu
Fixed: remote destroyed wheels have now the right distance detection to the ground
Fixed: healing sound effects were endlessly looped
Ships are no longer automatically deleted after destruction (consistent with other vehicle types)
Free fall inventory access fixed
Magazine manipulation while discarding weapons tweaked
Items' behavior while moving from dead body to container tweaked
Helicopter behavior improved (rotor simulation now does not allow helicopter to fly up-side down)
AI running up and down hill tweaked
Command 'stance' now returns more consistent values: "PRONE", "CROUCH" and "STAND"
Fixed: RMB to equip did not work for binoculars
Fixed: Vehicle commander stepped optics zoom did not function correctly
Fixed: artifacts on water near shore when looking from high distance
Solved issues related to flickering optics
Dernière modification par
24-04-2013, 15h13
Shérif retraité
Ami Facebook d'Hannibal
02-05-2013, 15h20
Troisème mise à jour importante (alpha et alpha lite) qui fait passer le jeu en 0.56. Cette mise à jour se penche entre autre sur la sécurité en multi.
De nombreux problèmes sont encore répertoriés (>>
Added: Functions are now compiled using newly introduced compileFinal
Added: Functions meta data are now secured against rewriting
Removed use of vulnerable script commands in DynO functions
Added: BIS_fnc_log enabled in public version when 'allowFunctionsLog = 1;' is set in description.ext
Fixed: BIS_fnc_sideColor can now load non-number values
Fixed: BIS_fnc_functionMeta was not working with scenario and campaign functions
Added: Scenario / campaign functions now support 'forced' param, allowing them to be executed automatically upon mission start
Added: BIS_fnc_spawn
Added: Ability to execute BIS_fnc_execVM and BIS_fnc_execFSM without arguments
Fixed: BIS_fnc_error was not working correctly
Changed: Splendid Camera roll speed decreased, users should no longer be inclined to take screens with too extreme roll
Fog is now really enabled for this branch
getFuelCargo, getAmmoCargo, getRepairCargo commands added
Fixes to serialization of particle emitters
Fixed: shoreline was not covered by fog properly
Correct vonCodecQuality is set now
Fixed: Animation source gear for PhysX vehicles
Fixed: Ships are now using the correct Arma 3 gearbox
Merge from OA: attack helicopter was unable to engage with rockets (PhysX-compatible)
Fixed: canMove on a vehicle with dead driver would return false in some cases
Improved synchronization of structure destruction in MP
(MP crash)
Fixed: AI now uses optics better to detect enemies
Fixed: Switching HDR settings could cause graphical corruption
Added: Removing destroyed buildings from PhysX simulation
Fixed: Crash opportunity related to PhysX
Added: new events for inventory event handlers: "Take" and "Put"
Fixed: improved path planning related to roads
Tweaked darkness detection and use of NVG by AI
Minor optimizations to dynamic lights
Added: difficulty command to return high-level selected difficulty mode
Added: getArtilleryETA script command
Input Array: [unit, targetX, targetY, targetZ, magazineType]
Returns: ETA of the first available mode (the mode the AI will probably use)
Fixed: Glitch in blending of 2 animations masks
Added: compileFinal command
Removed fully script commands: setVehicleInit, clearVehicleInit, processInitCommands
Made all script commands final (no longer possible to reassign in most circumstances)
Fixed: healing sound could play in an endless loop
Attenuation of dynamic lights can now be influenced by a new parameter in asset configuration - maximum distance of light
On steep surfaces, players now crouch instead of fully standing up
-showScriptErrors enabled by default
To allow better debugging (may or may not be changed for final release)
Dernière modification par
02-05-2013, 15h21
Maître du Destin
Stratège avancé
15-05-2013, 17h26
Très petite mise à jour:
Ce qu'on peut en retenir, c'est que la bêta approche (d'ailleurs, si on suit le changelog de la development branch, ça se voit encore plus).
FROM: Project Lead
TO: Alpha Users
INFO: Beta preparations, combat radio protocol, respawn system
This week our grand Beta mobilization has begun in earnest. As such, this SITREP will be quite light on Intel - too busy rallying the troops. We are putting a lot of effort into getting the selected content working well. Understandably you would like to know already what this content will be, but we'll not specify for a few more weeks. This is not (entirely) to torment you, but we want to make sure we can deliver. Be patient a little longer and you'll be rewarded with a cool upgrade to the Arma 3 sandbox with more variety and firepower. Hints of specifics may start dropping in the coming weeks, but look towards a certain large annual game expo for all the details!
Supporting server admins continues by giving back the possibility of hosting multiple servers per HW / OS-instance. Keep an eye on the Dedicated Server status thread to see where we are on the road map.
Designer Karel Mořický has worked on making respawn systems more consistent by introducing templates. These control the suite of scripts and effects executed when a player dies and respawns (e.g. spectator camera and seagulls). The framework is documented for multiplayer designers on the Community Wiki.
This week we are making another internal Alpha snapshot for evaluation. If it passes, we intend to release it via SPOTREP next week. This is quite soon after the previous update, but that was really more a hotfix. It did not contain most of what was already on Development branch. This update should also be the first to include the separate Dedicated Server binary for default branch.
The Audio team and Creative Director Crowe are busy recording the radio protocol (including a new protocol for combat situations - more tense and stressed) with more voice actors. One 'Jayholder' protocol and one other actor variant of this can already be heard in Development branch starting today (when your squad is in combat behavior mode). They are still finding the sweet-spot for tone as they do more recordings. A stealth protocol is Oscar Mike.
The Arma 3 Beta will be using the exact same application on Steam as the Arma 3 Alpha (Lite will be discontinued as previously announced). There will not be a need to re-install or install a different game (but the update is going to be hefty in size). In the weeks leading up to the actual release on default branch, we will likely be staging Beta content on the Development branch. Such staging will of course be announced with details, but there is to be a transition period during which you see Beta content in a game branded as "Alpha". We hope you'll be able to suffer through this confusion and enjoy the glimpse at the future.
Caution: when we do transition to Beta, we will intentionally change the user profile paths. Mainly we want to do this to provide one more proper default detection of options (reset). We do not plan this for the transition from Beta to full release. It should not be too much of a hassle, since if desired you could copy (with some renaming) existing profile files.
Père fondateur
Lecteur de Sun Tzu
23-05-2013, 16h28
Nouvelle mise à jour aujourd'hui, et non des moindres
Dedicated Server files added to the root of the game (
and supporting libraries)
Comprehensive lighting tweaking (
Environmental tweaks: sun, lens flares, material changes for changed lighting
Lights optimization
Lighting tweaks for vehicles (headlights, positional lights) and flashlights
Increased light intensity of muzzle flashes
Added: dedicated combat radio protocol
Added: dedicated stealth radio protocol
Fixed various radio protocol issues
Asset audio overhaul: volume balancing, WAV to WSS conversion and more (
Alarm sound now also configured under
, as “Alarm”
Improved Ka 60 fire geometry
Various types of lights on the Ka 60 improved (placement, parameters)
(Ka 60 rotor collisions)
(wrong Ka 60 horizon indication)
Adjusted mass distribution of MH-9
Fixed: Position lights of helicopters have been adjusted
AI helicopter handling improved
Improved ‘fording depth’ for helicopters to deal with ‘landing’ on water better
Speedboat (minigun) now uses correct muzzle points
(top-speed gear change for the Hunter)
Fixed: Tweaked fire geometry (mostly glasses) for the Hunter
Tweaked MRAPs' maximum light radius to improve performance
MRAPs should have tracers every third shot now
(helicopter wreck's smoke and electricity effect did not stop after wreck was deleted)
Launcher AI settings and weapon performance configuration tweaked
Various (missile) ammunition behavior tweaks (maneuvering, locking, etc.)
Material penetration properties modified
(MXM suppressor)
Holosights have been replaced by ACO for Katiba
12.7mm HMG Rate of Fire fixed
Tweaked missiles for AH-9 to be better used by AI
Adjusted DAGR locking cone and adjusted its AI characteristics
Fixed: NLAW and RPG-32 optics rotated by 0.7° down, muzzle 0.7° up for better aiming by both for players and AI
Fixed: MXM and MX SW handles have better materials
Range Master character added
All chest rigs should be of better visual quality
BLUFOR marksman's has changed its color to match his uniform
Removed hand grenades from helicopter pilots and crew
Diver UW magazine count modified
Automatic rifleman shouldn't have a tracer round every bullet anymore
Removed little cubes from BLUFOR rifleman's right wrist
Fixed: Missing texture of backpack has been re-mapped
Movement speed tweaking
and unification deployed
Various little tweaks and fixes on common houses
(fuel station coloration after destruction)
(telephone pole collisions)
parameter to structure configs
parameter to structures configs
Reduced durability of reflectors and markerlights on structures
Added baked lighting for crowns and trunks of trees and shrubs (macro maps)
Last / distant LOD for plants improved
Fixed: various bush material / alpha shaders
Smoke shell effect tweaked
Rocket effects tweaked
Blood hit and fire dust effects tweaked
Added small settlement near Kamino firing range
Stratis bridges improved for characters and vehicles
Stratis environmental settings tweaked: lighting (night and underwater), fog, haze, colors
Tweaks to Stratis lamp placements
Fixed: Sandbag barriers adjusted on Stratis
Added: New system for displaying
scenario overview
Side colors are now customizable. Two presets are available; one based on previous Arma 3 colors (default) and one recreating the Arma 2 scheme
Author's name in scenario overview is formatted like "by %s". If undefined "by Unknown Community Author" is displayed
Added tooltips to
and key presets
Added: When the default (GUI) color is updated, it will be forced for all users who were using the previous default
Welcome Screen no longer shown for new profiles made during the same session
Fixed: White background when downloading scenarios looked like the game stopped responding. Custom color used instead of white
Added: Debriefing now shows number of respawns instead of reverts in multiplayer
Fixed: Quick command linked to the old communications menu
Added: Correct cursor for supports communications menu
Added: Framework for respawn templates - custom scripts and functions executed when player dies and respawns (
Added: Currently existing respawn effects (e.g., seagull, spectator camera, ...) moved to the respawn templates
Added: Communication menu manager
Function BIS_fnc_objectsGrabber would sometimes not close the output Array
Fixed: Functions viewer was not working when launched from mission editor
Added: Adding new control presets and their tooltips
Fixed: Notification area is now wider
Fixed: Debug console was not visible when launched from Splendid camera in non-editor mission
Field Manual Commanding / Move hint improved
BIS_fnc_arrayShuffle added to functions
Fixed: BIS_fnc_infoText was using obsolete sound
Added: A notification is displayed when a new communication menu item is added
Fixed: allowFunctionsRecompile description.ext param had no effect
Added: BIS_fnc_loadInventory throws an error when non-existent uniform is added
Added: BIS_fnc_MP now accepts SIDE type as a target. Function will be executed on computers of all players on the given side
Optimized: BIS_fnc_selectRandomWeighted
Added: Variable header added to local functions
Fixed: BIS_fnc_sortBy ignored entries with duplicate values
Danger FSM: Script command
used instead of
. Priority of event
is higher now
Fixed: Chromatic aberration remained when camera was launched from the pause menu
redundant script
Optimized: Module framework now loads modules significantly faster and takes less time during a mission
Added: BIS_fnc_startLoadingScreen and BIS_fnc_endLoadingScreen - a simple loading screen manager which gives a designer the ability to control his / her loads without fear of breaking others
Added: Error message will now interrupt loading screen
Fixed: The default editor template was still calling functions
Fixed: Feedback FSM optimization
Fixed: When
was set to 1 in
, death scripts were sometimes executed after respawn scripts
Added: Correct ETA for mortar support in SCUBA mission
New Dedicated Server parameters for configuring ports for Steam services (should allow multiple DS per OS-instance) (
Updated to Physx3.2.4
Fixed several MP synchronization issues
Fixed several crash opportunities in SP and MP
Several inventory interaction and stability fixes
Removed destroyed buildings from PhysX simulation
Fixed: Wheel speed in damaged or destroyed state
Dynamic light influence to AI visibility tweaked
Tweaked darkness coefficient computation for AI visibility and NVG threshold for AI
Fixed: Hard limit usage while performing light sorting
Added: New hard limits implemented into particle lights
Added: New parameters for particle effects (global variants of surfNormalX, Y and Z)
Fixed: Starting scenarios from subfolders did not work correctly
Fixed: Audio distance curve
Added: Radio filter / effect
Fixed: MX UGL had a displaced crosshair
Added: Loiter waypoint
Fixed: AI will not eject before player
Fixed: Taking additional ammo for pistol would play reloading sound
Fixed: Certain magazines could not be moved to another container from backpacks
Fixed: RMB in inventory (moving from backpack to your own backpack) lost the item
Fixed: Headgear items when on the ground (WeaponHolder) were missing the 'Take' action
Fixed: Backpack items when on the ground (WeaponHolder) were missing the 'Take' action
Fixed: Sidearm taken from enemies are duplicated if put into the vest or backpack
Fixed: Texture flickering on wrecks
Fixed: Tooltip crash in MP sessions listbox
(crash when trying to bind controls - drag and drop)
script command
Removed redundant
CfgFirstAid >> firstAidScript
Small optimization of face mimics
command was not working
Fixed: Manual control for locked missiles works again
Added: Most detailed shadow lod is now displayed in view pilot
Fixed: Helicopters engines now are damaged correctly upon contact with water
Shérif retraité
Ami Facebook d'Hannibal
05-06-2013, 09h54
Grosse mise à jour aujourd'hui, l'alpha finale 0.60 annoncée hier.
The actual plan for Alpha is to release the final Alpha patch (0.60) tomorrow. This includes the Sniper Package and even the stance indicator. With regards to the latter, you may need to reset your profile to see it properly. Alternatively, wait for an interface positioning option coming with the Beta. After this patch we start 're-skinning' the Alpha to become the Beta over the next few weeks. This means changing the default interface color to Beta blue, updating logos and icons, and of course sneaking in the content.
On en saura plus (changelog) dans la journée.
Shérif retraité
Ami Facebook d'Hannibal
05-06-2013, 18h18
Confirmation de la version 0.60 appelée cette fois
Sniper Package
et qui ajoute du contenu.
Added 1 x BLUFOR M320 LRR .408 sniper rifle
Added 1 x BLUFOR ghillie suit sniper and spotter duo
Added 1 x OPFOR GM6 Lynx 12.7mm sniper rifle
Added 1 x OPFOR ghillie suit sniper and spotter duo
Added 1 x Rangefinder binoculars
Added sniper Field Manual records
Added rangefinder hint
Added Stance Indicator
Not yet linked to options, but it will be
Known issue: sometimes shown off-screen - reset user profile or wait for positioning option in Beta
Fixed: Adjusted rotation speed of turrets for Speedboat
(BLUFOR Speedboat shouldn't have optics for rear gunner)
(adjusted speedometers for Ifrit, Hunter and Offroad)
Revamped hitpoints for wheels in all soft vehicles to destroy correct wheels
Vehicle weapons are now lockable to prevent losing lock during weapon change
TRG now uses correct 5.56x45mm ammunition
Fixed: Ammo for MXM in special ammo box
Combat pace transition from stand to kneel while moving FL fixed
Weapons disabled in running states
Radio Protocol: enlarged Combat Protocol - over 100 lines (additionally recorded and configured)
Radio Protocol: fixed missing Stealth sentences (additionally recorded and configured)
Radio Protocol: 53 new names added for identity usage
Disabled Difficulty tab in Game Options in MP
Fixed: When respawnOnStart was set to 1 in description.ext, death scripts were sometimes executed after respawn scripts
BIS_fnc_addCommMenuItem: Arguments [caller:Object, cursorPos:Array, target:Object, is3D:Bool, itemID:String] are now passed into expression field as _this
Removed doubled onPauseScript execution
Ballistic penetration of bushes (foliage) adjusted
Fixed: Evasive left and Lean left toggle are not conflicting actions
Adjusted default friction material to allow vehicles to slide a bit over the rocks and boats over terrain
(particle effect was always generated on the ground)
(light of vehicles’ destruction is disabled under water now)
oxygenCapacity parameter of all units changed
(OPFOR squad leader was named "Rifleman")
Fixed: Number of group members of motorized groups
Changed: Minefield Site now rotates all mines in the direction of the Site module
Added: Dialog for custom init code for virtual providers in Supports module
Added: Dialog for custom supply crate init code for supply drop in Supports module
Fixed: broken Showcase Helicopters texts
Fixed: Incorrect reloading while in optics
Fixed: Crash on exiting the game (audio-related)
Fixed: Crash while ordering subordinate to fire artillery same time as having Hunter selected to receive orders
Helicopter AI improvements (e.g. diving too much during attack runs)
Improved ship AI path planning
Added: Reveal action reveals mines
Decreased mine reveal angle
Dynamic light influence on AI visibility tweaked further
Changed threshold for when AI puts on NVG
Decreased flashlight influence on side recognition
Terrain decal fix (Stratis runway)
Fixed: Stabilize car turrets
Fixes to refreshing of difficulty indicator in Campaign and Scenarios displays
Fixed: Selection of first RscTree item after opening Scenarios dialogue
Added: UI controls validator (inventory can recognize which UI controls were not properly initialized, and show some error information)
Fixed: Visual representation of broken wheels not matching the correct wheel for wheels destroyed using scripts
Fixed: Tree destruction animation
Sprint now overrides Combat Pace in all cases
Aiming down in combat pace doesn't make player start running anymore
Added config multiplier of damage that crew receives when vehicle crashes to object
MP score table properly integrated into debriefing display
Fixed: Ragdoll could interfere with cargo poses in multiplayer
Fixed: Ragdoll launching into air by destroyed objects
Fixed: When user tries to pick an item from a corpse to a slot and that slot already contains another item, linked item would disappear
Non-local objects shouldn't collide with ground (breaking joints -
Fixed: Random rotation of the submunition pattern (artillery)
Fixed: Setting of full-screen gamma
Fixed: markerDir return value type
Improved loading of scenario overview images from PBOs (one known issues to do with subfolders remains)
Le GM6 Lynx est un fusil anti-matériel semi-automatique utilisant des munitions 12,7 x 108mm. Son but est de neutraliser les cibles comme les véhicules blindés légers, l'infanterie méca, des abris légers et des hélicoptères de 600 à 800 m de portée.
Le M320 Long Rifle Range est un fusil de sniper de calibre .408, apprécié pour sa précision jusqu'à 2000 mètres.
Dernière modification par
05-06-2013, 18h24
Maître du Destin
Stratège avancé
25-06-2013, 20h47
La bêta (version 0.70) est officiellement sortie. Voici le changelog (je ne traduis pas, il y a trop)
edit DS : j'ai édité pour uniformiser le topic.
Contenu Bêta :
Mk.20 - Green faction assault rifle
Zafir - Red faction machine gun
Titan - AA / AT rocket launcher for all sides
ACP-C2 - Green faction pistol
Scorpion EVO-4 - Green and Red faction submachine gun
Vermin SBR - Blue faction submachine gun
HEMTT - Blue faction heavy truck
Quadbike - now for all factions
Strider - Green faction MRAP
Zamak - Red and Green faction truck
SDV - all factions small submerged vehicle
AMV-7 Marshal - Blue faction heavy APC
MSE-3 Marid - 6-wheeled APC for Red faction
CH-49 Mohawk - Green faction transport helicopter
Mi-48 Kajman - Red faction transport / gunship
AH-99 Blackfoot - Blue faction attack helicopter
UH-80 Ghosthawk - Blue faction transport helicopter
Green Army Faction
Animals: sheep, chicken, goat, dog
Many objects for Firing Drills (targets, moving targets, walls, etc.)
Personnages :
Green AAF faction
BLUFOR and OPFOR additions
Civilian Competitor
Contenu jouable :
Showcase: Combined Arms
Showcase: Supports
Showcase: Commanding
Showcase: Night
MP: Defend Kamino
MP: Combined Arms COOP
Challenge: Course of Fire: Green
Challenge: Course of Fire: Red
Challenge: Course of Fire: Blue
Challenge: Course of Fire: Orange
New and enhanced versions of radio protocols
Two additional voice actor sets added
New setup of radio filter effects
Sounds of weapons, vehicles and their weapons have been enhanced
Sounds of soldier collisions and movement have been added
Adjusted names for units in radio protocol
Correct soundHit for flesh (see
Sounds of collisions were added for vehicles
Added new sound suppressor for 5.56mm weapons
Cars now have horns as a weapon for their driver with correct sounds
RPG-32 and NLAW should be of the same usability
Vehicle grenades have been tweaked in their damage and explosive radii
Sniper weapons have realistic ammo air friction and tweaked reload times
M200 has better animation and unnecessary bones were removed from model
Added opticsZoom parameters to GrenadeLauncher and PutMuzzle
AI engagement ranges for MX, Katiba, Mk200 and TRG tweaked
Changed dispersion and rate of fire for MX, Katiba, Mk200 and TRG to more realistic values
Changed: Video options layout
Added: Separate Post-Process settings in video options
Added: FPS indicator in video options
Added: Respawn menu
Added: EditBoxes connected to sliders in video options for precise setting
Added: Custom colors and layout is now configured in CfgUIColors and CfgUIGrids
Replaced: BIS_fnc_guiGrid occurances replaced by direct grid macros
Fixed: Font in RscDisplayCapture was too large and bold
Added: Command bar backgrounds are now plain color, without any shadow effects (consistent with the rest of UI)
Added: New visual style of advanced hints
GUI Beta skin
Added: Stream-friendly UI switch in game options
Fixed: Artillery computer - displaying of weapon name and firing via Enter / Space keys. Tweaked layout
Changed: Color of sliders
Fixed: Text size in switches (RscXListBox)
Fixed: TI textures for MH-9 family helicopters
Fixed: TI texture for rubber boat
100 m increments in all range (100 - 1500 m) of discreteDistance (zeroing steps) parameter for all vehicle mounted weapons
Transition from prone to upright sprint while unarmed no longer causes visual sliding
Going prone from tactical sit no longer makes you stand up
Moving with binoculars with rifle improved
Switching to rifle while sprinting with pistol crouched no longer results in going prone
Reloading launchers forces out of optics mode
Combat Pace for 3 seconds when pressing LMB
Map animations disabled (quad bike entering fix; stances fix)
Improved sideways erected run to sprint transition
Hands warping when starting to crawl fixed
Optics are now disabled when crawling with pistol
Swapping sidearm to main weapon with a dedicated key in prone now works correctly
Self-heal rifle animations are now interrupt-able (for ragdoll)
Taking out launcher while prone and with main weapon in hand now puts you into launcher kneeled pose (without going into stand)
Binoculars animations revision
Shooting vs. running conflict resolved and fixed
Animations for embarking into various vehicles added
Added: New task system (backward compatible with the old one)
Fixed: Module functions are now spawned, not called
Added: Prototype of respawn templates for position and inventory selection
Fixed: Preload manager sometimes didn't trigger loading screen
Removed binocular body from inactive NVG model
Fixed: Multiplayer framework didn't work correctly on headless client
Fixed missing name in MP lobby. (Headhunters, Escape from Stratis)
Close door action now has higher priority
Added: Corpse removal for Escape from Stratis
Fixed: Ammo count in the Hunter in Showcase: Vehicle (after a recent config change)
Defined empty preset for erasing all key mappings
PhysX geometries of world objects have been improved
Trees now all use MCA lightmap
Explosive ammo hit particle effect tweaked
Fixed: Empty plastic barrels burst into flame when shot (
Added new particle effects for missiles
Fire for burning barrel tweaked (it was too big)
Broken glass effects tweaked, new effects added
Object destruction smoke tweaked
Loadouts of units have been largely modified (factions loadout standards were set)
Modified cargo loadout of vehicles
Changed class property to housesimulated for all runway lights
Added placement=vertical property to all lamps and vertical objects like the lighthouse
Added new icons and entries to Field Manual
Headgear and backpacks have new inventory icons
Adjusted damping rates of damaged and destroyed wheels of all vehicles
Correct UI picture for GL version of Katiba
Removed config classes:
arifle_MX_TWS_snds_F, arifle_MX_ACOg_point_F, arifle_MX_GL_ACOg_point_F, arifle_MX_GL_COWS_point_F, arifle_MXC_Holo_point_snds_F, arifle_MXC_ACOg_point_F, arifle_MXC_COWS_point_F, arifle_MXC_ACO_flash_F, arifle_MXC_ACOg_flash_F, arifle_MXC_Nstalker_point_F, arifle_MX_SW_ARCO_point_F, arifle_MX_SW_NVS_point_snds_F, arifle_MX_SW_TWSMG_point_snds_F, arifle_MXM_ARCO_point_F, arifle_MXM_SOS_point_F, arifle_MXM_TWSS_F, arifle_Khaybar_C_Nstalker_point_F, arifle_Khaybar_C_ACOg_flash_snds_F, arifle_Khaybar_C_ACOg_F, arifle_Khaybar_COWS_point_F, arifle_Khaybar_Hamr_point_F, arifle_Khaybar_Nstalker_point_F, arifle_Khaybar_TWS_F, arifle_Khaybar_GL_COWS_point_F, arifle_Khaybar_GL_Nstalker_point_F, LMG_Mk200_COWS_point_snds_F, LMG_Mk200_COWS_pointer_F, LMG_Mk200_TWSMG_F, LMG_Mk200_Holo_point_F, LMG_Mk200_Holo_point_snds_F, LMG_Mk200_ACO_F, LMG_Mk200_ACO_point_F, arifle_TRG20_Nstalker_point_F, arifle_TRG20_Holo_point_F, arifle_TRG21_Hamr_point_F, arifle_TRG21_COWS_point_F, arifle_TRG21_Nstalker_point_F, arifle_TRG21_GL_Hamr_point_F, arifle_TRG21_GL_ARCO_point_F, arifle_TRG21_GL_COWS_point_F, arifle_TRG21_GL_Nstalker_point_F, arifle_Mk20C_ACO_snds_F, arifle_Mk20_COWS_point_F, arifle_Mk20_GL_Mark_F, arifle_Mk20_Mark_F, srifle_EBR_Nstalker_point_F, srifle_EBR_SOS_F, srifle_EBR_ACO_point_F, srifle_EBR_Holo_F, srifle_EBR_Mark_point_snds_F, srifle_EBR_Hamr_F, srifle_EBR_Hamr_point_F, arifle_SDAR_ACO_point_F
Motivation: These classes were not used by default soldier load-outs and we deemed them unnecessary. Some of them used wrong optics for the given side of the weapon, some didn't make any sense. We would like to encourage adding different weapons rather via scripting and specific add-ons to them than having bazillions of pre-defined guns few people are likely to use and we cannot maintain quality control on them all.
Renamed config classes:
arifle_Khaybar_C_ACOg_point_F -> arifle_Katiba_C_ACO_pointer_F
arifle_Khaybar_C_ACOg_F -> arifle_Katiba_C_ACO_F
arifle_Khaybar_ACOg_point_F -> arifle_Katiba_ACO_pointer_F
arifle_Khaybar_ARCO_point_F -> arifle_Katiba_ARCO_pointer_F
arifle_Khaybar_ACOg_F -> arifle_Khaybar_ACO_F
arifle_Khaybar_GL_ACOg_point_F -> arifle_Katiba_GL_ACO_pointer_F
arifle_MX_point_F -> arifle_MX_pointer_F
arifle_MX_Holo_point_F -> arifle_MX_Holo_pointer_F
arifle_MX_Hamr_point_F -> arifle_MX_Hamr_pointer_F
arifle_MX_ACO_point_F -> arifle_MX_ACO_pointer_F
arifle_MX_GL_ACO_point_F -> arifle_MX_GL_ACO_pointer_F
arifle_MX_GL_Hamr_point_F -> arifle_MX_GL_Hamr_pointer_F
arifle_MXC_Holo_point_F -> arifle_MXC_Holo_pointer_F
arifle_MX_SW_Hamr_point_F -> arifle_MX_SW_Hamr_pointer_F
arifle_MXM_Hamr_point_F -> arifle_MXM_Hamr_pointer_F
arifle_TRG20_ACO_point_F -> arifle_TRG20_ACO_pointer_F
arifle_TRG21_ACO_point_F -> arifle_TRG21_ACO_pointer_F
arifle_TRG21_ARCO_point_F -> arifle_TRG21_ARCO_pointer_F
arifle_TRG21_GL_ACO_point_F -> arifle_TRG21_GL_ACO_pointer_F
LMG_Mk200_ARCO_F -> LMG_Mk200_MRCO_F
LMG_Mk200_ARCO_pointer_F -> LMG_Mk200_pointer_F
arifle_SDAR_ACOg_F -> arifle_SDAR_ACO_grn_F
arifle_SDAR_ACO_F -> arifle_SDAR_ACO_red_F
arifle_SDAR_ARCO_point_F -> arifle_SDAR_ARCO_pointer_F
arifle_SDAR_Nstalker_point_F -> arifle_SDAR_Nstalker_pointer_F
srifle_EBR_MRCO_point_F -> srifle_EBR_MRCO_pointer_F
srifle_EBR_ARCO_point_F -> srifle_EBR_ARCO_pointer_F
arifle_TRG20_ACOg_F -> arifle_TRG20_ACO_F
arifle_TRG20_ACOg_point_F -> arifle_TRG20_ACO_pointer_F
arifle_TRG20_ACOg_flash_snds_F -> arifle_TRG20_ACO_flash_F
arifle_TRG21_ACOg_point_F -> arifle_TRG21_ACO_pointer_F
arifle_TRG21_GL_ACOg_point_F -> arifle_TRG21_GL_ACO_pointer_F
arifle_Mk20C_ACOg_F -> arifle_Mk20C_ACO_F
arifle_Mk20_ACOG_F -> arifle_Mk20_MRCO_F
arifle_Mk20_GL_ACOG_point_F -> arifle_Mk20_GL_MRCO_pointer_F
arifle_Mk20_GL_ACOgrn_F -> arifle_Mk20_GL_ACO_F
srifle_EBR_ACOg_point_F -> srifle_EBR_ACO_pointer_F
srifle_EBR_Mark_F -> srifle_EBR_MRCO_pointer_F
Motivation: Weapon class names have been unified across the whole scale of weapons to be more consistent with the rest of game. There is no need to differentiate ACO colors in the class name of the weapon because each weapon is given only to specific side which use some color of ACO.
MH9_Base_F -> Heli_Light_01_base_F
B_MH9_F -> B_Heli_Light_01_F
AH9_Base_F -> Heli_Light_01_armed_base_F
B_AH9_F -> B_Heli_Light_01_armed_F
O_Ka60_F -> O_Heli_Light_02_F
O_Ka60_Unarmed_F -> O_Heli_Light_02_unarmed_F
Rubber_duck_base -> Rubber_duck_base_F
B_Assaultboat -> B_Boat_Transport_01_F
O_Assaultboat -> O_Boat_Transport_01_F
Rescue_duck_base -> Rescue_duck_base_F
Speedboat_Base -> Boat_Armed_01_base_F
Speedboat_minigun_Base -> Boat_Armed_01_minigun_base_F
B_SpeedBoat -> B_Boat_Armed_01_minigun_F
O_SpeedBoat -> O_Boat_Armed_01_hmg_F
Hunter_Base -> MRAP_01_base_F
Hunter_RCWS_Base -> MRAP_01_gmg_base_F
Hunter_HMG_Base -> MRAP_01_hmg_base_F
B_Hunter_F -> B_MRAP_01_F
B_Hunter_RCWS_F -> B_MRAP_01_gmg_F
B_Hunter_HMG_F -> B_MRAP_01_hmg_F
Ifrit_Base -> MRAP_02_base_F
Ifrit_MG_Base -> MRAP_02_hmg_base_F
Ifrit_GMG_Base -> MRAP_02_gmg_base_F
O_Ifrit_F -> O_MRAP_02_F
O_Ifrit_MG_F -> O_MRAP_02_hmg_F
O_Ifrit_GMG_F -> O_MRAP_02_gmg_F
Offroad_Base -> Offroad_01_base_F
c_offroad -> C_Offroad_01_F
Quadbike_Base_F -> Quadbike_01_base_F
B_Quadbike_F -> B_Quadbike_01_F
O_Quadbike_F -> O_Quadbike_01_F
Mk6_Mortar_Base -> Mortar_01_base_F
B_Mk6 -> B_Mortar_01_F
O_Mk6 -> O_Mortar_01_F
B_Mk6Mortar_Support -> B_Mortar_01_support_F
B_Mk6Mortar_Wpn -> B_Mortar_01_weapon_F
Motivation: We decided to change class names of vehicles to more generic ones to support possible renaming (as it may be seen on some assets) and easier mission scripting. It should be easier for mission maker to simply add a MRAP by describing it in class name rather to remember all the names of assets.
Optimized object preparation and rendering
Optimized MP traffic - up to 35% reduction for non-custom message data
Added optimization of preloading large map features (takes up to 30% less time)
Fixed some of the FPS drops in longer MP games
Fixed several crash opportunities
Script command "items" returns only items that are not magazines, explosives, grenades and that are not linked to a unit
Script command "addItem" returns error message "No entry...!" if invalid config name is used
Script command "removeAllItems" removes only items listed by command "items"
Script command "weapons" lists also weapons in inventory
Script command "removeItemFromPrimaryWeapon" renamed to "removePrimaryWeaponItem"
Returned array of script command "assignedItems" does not contain headgear and goggles
New script command "removeAllPrimaryWeaponItems"
New script command "removeHandgunItem"
New script command "removeAllHandgunItems"
New script command "canAdd"
New script command "primaryWeaponMagazine"
New script command "secondaryWeaponMagazine"
New script command "handgunMagazine"
Interiors of amphibious vehicles are not flooded with water anymore, added new parameter waterPPInVehicle
RPT file header contains allocator used in the game (for logging purposes)
Several mostly MP-related inventory fixes
Distance display disabled in command cursor to prevent cheating
Fixed: Thermal Imaging now works even for proxies
Fixed: Wind emitters are prepared only once per simulation
Fixed: Adjusted simulation for PhysX objects to be called every simulation step once
Added: AI is now better able to adjust shots at longer distances
Fixed: AI is better in choice of weapons
Added: Doppler effect to modify source frequency
Added: New colision sound sources for soldiers and small trees
Fixed: Wind in same direction as helicopter is decreasing helicopter air friction
Fixed CTD when changing overall video options and FPS texts are displayed
Wire triggers are ignoring objects with mass less then the set limit
Dernière modification par
28-06-2013, 11h38
Shérif retraité
Ami Facebook d'Hannibal
01-07-2013, 19h14
Vous pouvez suivre les petites mises à jour de la
Beta Development
sur ce sujet du forum de Bohemia Interactive :
L'occasion de poster le changelog de la MAJ d'aujourd'hui :
Support for Steam friend invites / joins
Disable loading screen when switching closing map
Mi-48 cargo now uses doors while getting in and out
Added cargo parachutes for supports (see
Marid crew should now abandon vehicle when all steerable wheels are gone
Speedboat water friction has been tweaked
Green faction has its SDV now
Suffocating PP effects disabled for animals
Showcase Infantry time of day adjusted for Stratis changes
Firing Drills - COF Green - updated to reflect changed magazines for sidearm
Firing Drills - Times of day tweaked to match new Stratis configuration
Firing Drills - Use of color was inconsistent for non-medal times
Firing Drills - Automatic reload and resupply added upon restart (for lazy Mr. Endstar)
Animal Sites - MP support added
Fixed: Missing radio protocol sentence for Helicopter Attack "chopper destroyed" event
Basic collimator optics should have the same zeroing
Maître du Destin
Stratège avancé
12-07-2013, 20h22
DS, tu veux que je poste les màj de la development build aussi ? Mais bon, ça fait beaucoup de petits riens...
Mise à jour 0.72 :
Added: Ability to set starting time of Defend Kamino (MP)
Firing Drills: Automatic reload and resupply added upon restart (for lazy Mr. Endstar)
Firing Drills: Now using symbology on selector targets
Firing Drills: Ability to immediately quit at the end of CoFs added
Firing Drills: CoF Green - updated to reflect changed magazines for sidearm
Firing Drills: Times of day tweaked to match new Stratis configuration
Firing Drills: Use of color was inconsistent for non-medal times
Firing Drills: Restarting within a CP would leave the IGUI element active
Firing Drills: Medal icon sometimes shown using Training rules
Firing Drills: Added audio cue when going over the next medal time
Firing Drills: Conversations all switched to radio again
Showcase time of day tweaks to match Stratis sunrise configuration
Showcase SCUBA now uses Titan launchers instead of RPG-42
Outil de configuration "
Interface Layout
" ajouté aux options du jeu, permettant de personnaliser l'interface du jeu
Ajout : plus de têtes pouvant être sélectionnées dans l'éditeur de profils
Interface clock control replaced with an improved version in map, editor, briefings and tasks
AI icons in role assignment screen are not deformed anymore<
Fixed: Cargo cannot take control from commander
Gunner and driver of class "Car" and its children now use optics to detect targets
Tweaked collision damage to vehicles. They now should be a bit more resistant, mostly at lower speeds.
Tweaking of wheels and suspension of both APCs (floating in air)
Adjusted agility of helicopters
Added parachutes to light helicopters
Les passagers de tous les hélicoptères peuvent maintenant s'éjecter et sauter en parachute
Added cargo parachutes for supports
Fixed: It is no longer possible to get directly from flatbed / cargo space to cabin of Trucks and vice versa
Adjusted radius of Zamak's destroyed wheels
Zamak now has the correct wheels destroyed (by shooting)
Doors of Mi-48 are closed by default now
Fixed getting in UH-80 as pilot for more players simultaneously
Gunners of UH-80 should be able to switch seats
Added day camouflage variant of Ghost Hawk
Weapons of CH-49 cargo no longer stick out of the roof
Tweaked hit points of the CH-49 Mohawk
Disabled levitation of the Strider's wheels
Fixed glass on doors of Ifrit
Green faction assault boat has its own texture
Green faction has its SDV now
Marid's crew should now abandon vehicle when all steerable wheels are gone
Fixed: Marid should have correct names of weapons
Fixed: Path to sounds of Speedboat
Speedboat's water friction has been tweaked
Engines of armed Strider hit points now have correct names
Fixed: AMV map icon was too small
Fixed: HEMTT exhaust right next to passenger head
HEMTT now has correct destruction of cargo part
Fixed: HEMTT windshield destruction
Fixed: HEMTT various descruction issues
Adjusted AH-9 missile burst for AI
Basic collimator optics should have the same zeroing
Iron sights of SOS optics now have correct zeroing
Tweaked basic setting of the direction of grenade throws
Fire mode switches are now animated for most weapons
GM6 rate of fire has been adjusted
Katiba variants are back
Flares light intensity tweaked
Changed magazine for Green faction pistol in equipment
Aiming of the ACP-C2 has been adjusted
ACP-C2 uses .45 magazines
Fixed: ACP-C2 and Vermin should have sound suppressors for .45 ACP ammo (class muzzle_snds_acp)
Improved ASRAAM behavior
Tweaked recoils for Scorpion and Vermin
Fixed: OPFOR Recon should have their weapons back
Fixed: Tweaked dispersion of mortar shells
Fixed: PCML and RPG-42 use unguided missiles
Careless AI are no longer stuck in prone after crawling under an obstacle
Les parachutistes ne sont plus blessés lors d'un saut
Adjusted vulnerability of character heads
OPFOR helmet heads-up displays retracted
OPFOR recon units inventory loadouts changed to match their BLUFOR recon counterparts
Weight and capacity of all uniforms, vests and bags overhauled into one logical, balanced and gradually scaling norm, where bags of the same type and / or purpose should share corresponding values with minor side unique differences.
Fixed: OPFOR Recon inventory loadout
Adjusted Stratis' world coordinates (affects time of day effects)
Fixed: No units on certain Sites
Création possible d'un "
Animal Site
Animal Sites generation reworked into a function
Animal Sites MP support added
Changed: Minefield Site now rotates all mines in the direction of the Site module
Fixed: Support type no longer available without any usable providers (Supports module)
Fixed: Script error messages caused by Supports module (
Added: Dialog for custom init code for virtual providers in Supports module
Added: Dialog for custom supply crate init code for supply drop in Supports module
Added: Custom HQ parameter for Support Requester module
Added: HQ now informs you if you have new supports available (when using the Supports module). You can disable these reports by using BIS_SUPP_reportNewSupports = false;
Added: "Create diary record" module now allows adding a briefing entry to sides of synchronized units and to all playable units (the same options as "Create task" module have). This should simplify MP mission configuration.
Added: Module for setting a group callsign, can be found in "Group Modifiers" category.
Fixed: Units created BIS_fnc_spawnGroup were in the wrong order and of incorrect ranks.
Added: "Headquarters" module, assigning HQ speaker with specific callsign for the given side.
Added: Scripted event handler "ticketsExhausted" is now called when number of respawn tickets reaches 0.
Fixed: Error messages when placing certain modules without input parameters
Suffocating PP effects disabled for animals
Fixed: Error in BIS_fnc_arrayShift (
BIS_fnc_endMission is now terminated when trying to trigger a good ending over a bad one
Apart from "Synchronized Units" and "Groups of synchronize units", the "Create Task" module now offers new options - "Sides of synchronized units" and "All playable units"
Entering Splendid Camera while in vehicle optics resulted in NVG / TI modes being black
Removed: Ambient Combat module. It was a simple port from Arma 2 and it wasn't maintained anymore.
Fix: respawnDelay entry was ignored when defined as a string, not as a number
No more infinite clicking if space is held to skip titlecards or establishing shots
No longer possible to press buttons other than Space and Esc while titlecards or establishing shots are playing
Added: Respawn templates expanded by ability to define side specific templates using new description.ext params: respawnTemplatesWest, respawnTemplatesEast, respawnTemplatesGuer and respawnTemplatesCiv. When not found for player's side, existing respawnTemplates param is used instead.
Added: In CfgFunctions, 'forced' entry allowed designer to execute a function on mission start, before units are initialized. The entry is now renamed to 'preInit', and new entry 'postInit' provides option to execute the function right after objects were initialized.
Config definition parameter (_this select 7) in advanced hint function removed. No need for it anymore, function checks all config files now.
Notifications now support independent definition of picture color and picture text color
Introduced several variants (5 up from 1) of glass shard effects for destructible glass based on size and shape of windows
Fixed: Selections of windows on airport control tower
Fixed: Missing radio protocol sentence for Helicopter Attack "chopper destroyed" event
Fixed: Mortar sound reload spectral edited
ACP-C2 now uses 9Rnd_45ACP_Mag magazine and a new muzzle_snds_acp sound suppressor
Vermin SMG now uses 30Rnd_45ACP_Mag_SMG_01 and 30Rnd_45ACP_Mag_SMG_01_tracer_green magazines and a new muzzle_snds_acp sound suppressor
Green faction has received its SDV with class I_SDV_01_F
Green faction has received its Supply create with class I_supplyCrate_F
Possibilité d'inviter des amis Steam à jouer/joindre votre partie
Added: Wind synchronization in MP
Il n'y a plus d'écran de chargement lorsque vous quittez la carte
Switching weapon modes doesn't require two key presses when the weapon info IGUI is hidden anymore
L'IA utilise l'imagerie thermique pour détecter les ennemis quand elle le peut
Removed warp when reloading in 3D optics
Improved thread synchronization of object drawing
Recognition of damaged part of body has been improved
Fix and slight optimization of detection of Simul Weather optimization
Fixed: Brightness of nearby objects in the first frame after map display is closed
Fixed: Items disappearing during inventory operations
Fixed: Unable to take weapons from non-local containers
Fixed: MP: Unable to throw grenades after taking vest from ground
Fixed: Magazine not being removed for other clients if a player loads it directly into their gun
Fixed: When player tries to place a vest or uniform into a backpack from the ground, target backpack will be copied and stored on the ground
Fixed: Headgear no longer displayed after leaving a multiplayer game
Fixed: Players could not access vehicles that cannot move
Fixed: Helicopters don't wait with another burst of CounterMeasures
Fixed: Helicopter collective ascent / descent rates were not consistent among devices
Fixed: GET IN waypoint - AI went for wrong seats in the helicopters
Fixed: Icons and text outside of valid area in combo boxes, added ST_NO_RECT style support
Fixed: Text alignment support for map icons
Added: Scripting commands for tree interface control
Fixed: Command enableEnvironment to toggle off all ambient wildlife
Fixed: setAmmo command description
Fixed: AI turn limitation while aiming
Maître du Destin
Stratège avancé
25-07-2013, 12h23
Mise à jour 0.74 :
Ajout du véhicule de combat d'infanterie BTR-K Kamysh.
Ajout du véhicule de combat d'infanterie IFV-6c Panther.
Intégration du moteur anti-triche Battleye.
Added: Commander position for Marshall and Kamysh
Corrected position for optics and coaxial machinegun moved to correct place (AMV)
Ajout du support des symboles de clan pour beaucoup de véhicules de la bêta.
Added: Various vehicles have adjusted items in inventory
Fixed: Ifrit GMG now has 96 grenades instead of 64
Fixed: Hunter GMG now has 96 grenades instead of 64
Fixed: Strider GMG now has 96 grenades instead of 64
Fixed: Bad glass sorting on Strider
Fixed: Tweaked AI driving skills with Speedboat
Fixed: Lowered hit of 40mm HE grenades as they were too strong and MRAPs now uses magazines with 96 grenades
Fixed: APC turrets now have more authentic vision modes
Fixed: Tweaked suspension of APCs
Fixed: Improved crew and cargo animations of APCs
Agilité du Marshall et du Marid plus réalistes.
Remotely controlled turrets on new APCs have no hatches (so crew cannot turn out from them)
Adjusted lift force of xH-9, AH-99 and PO-30 helicopters
Adjusted collective of xH-9 family helicopters
Adjusted xH-9 family maneuverability around roll-axis
Moved Blackfoot gunner optic view to correspond with PiP
Fixed: Destroyed parachute doesn't start to burn
Supply parachutes now have correct colors per sides
Fixed: Changed glass materials for CH-49 Mohawk
Daytime version of UH-80 is now listed as made by Bohemia Interactive
Copilot of the UH-80 now uses the cyclic
Fixed: Blurred tail rotor in cargo-view
Les hélicoptères de transport ont des moyens pour détecter les missiles en approche.
Helicopters: added bodyFrictionCoef config parameter
Doors should be openable by scripts for helicopters
Improved cockpit PiP monitors
Added plain brown versions of Mk. 20 rifles (classes arifle_Mk20_plain_F, arifle_Mk20C_plain_F and arifle_Mk20_GL_plain_F)
Added specialized collimator for SMGs (classes optic_ACO_grn, optic_aco_smg, and optic_Holosight_smg)
Improved animations of Mk.20 rifle
Fixed: Iron sights now have 100 m increments (up to 600 m)
Even holosight should have basic zeroing of 200 m
Fixed: Repaired AS map of MX rifle family
Added some delay between throwing 'nades
Fixed: Hammer of ACP-C2 is correctly readied to fire
Better cursor for laser designator
Revamped sound suppressor configuration
Correct name sound for Scalpel missiles
Fixed: String error after after shooting a smoke round from MX 3GL
Tweak: Cannons and Skyfire rockets AI engagement ranges and probabilities
Fixed: Showcase Infantry - Undefined variable error when engaging the spotters
Fixed: Showcase Infantry - No artillery rounds were hitting the village at the end of the mission
Showcase Helicopters: Radio issues fixed - some conversations were not playing because using wrong channels
Showcase Helicopters: Ambient animations added to starting location and Camp Rogain
Showcase Helicopters: Problem with mission not ending when helicopter crashed into water fixed
Showcase Vehicles: Various tweaks: more sunlight, exfil task position, player can get in the boat before his driver now
Fixed: Showcase Supports - Mission should end a bit sooner now
Added: BIS_fnc_log and BIS_fnc_error now display player's profile name
Added: Sector module - creates a contested sector, handles its capturing and map visualization
Added: Respawn Position module - adds respawn point for specific side and unit / vehicle type
Added: Vehicle Respawn module - set vehicle respawn, including customizable position, delay, notification, etc.
Added: Additional military buildings can now be garrisoned by Sites
Added: When "ORBAT group" module is not synced to "Strategic Map" module, the icon will be displayed on the main map instead
Added: "Defend" mission type (used for example in "Defend Kamino") is now using unified sectors. Mission ends when enemy side holds all sectors on the map.
Added: functionPriority entry for module logics. It's now possible to set order in which modules are initialized. The higher the value is, the later the module function is executed.
Added: When player joins to a mission with MenuPosition respawn template, he'll be moved to the latest, not random respawn.
Added: CfgNotifications classes now supports soundRadio entry; these are radio sentences played by HQ (created by "Headquarters Entity" module).
Fixed: Disabled vehicles were not respawning
Fixed: Script error messages caused by Supports module (
Fixed undefined variable errors when using BIS_fnc_UnitPlay
Fixed: In module setup preview, optional connections appeared transparent. However, the transparent line looked a bit like grouping line. Now only the icon remain transparent to prevent this issue.
Fixed: Main menu script error
Fixed: After JIP, persistent functions were sometimes executed before mission objects were created.
Firing Drills: Targets would not deactivate when leaving Competitive CPs
Firing Drills: FM records with introduction, rules and tips added
Firing Drills: bonus & penalty logic between Training and Competitive made consistent
Firing Drills: first version of PiP feedback added for long-range accuracy targets
Firing Drills: There could be a doubled icon next to previous times
Firing Drills: Final times were not colored correctly in all cases
Firing Drills: The main task is now completed when ending the challenge
Fixed: undefined variable in CoF: Blue
Fixed: undefined variable in CoF: Green
Changed: Titan used instead of RPG-42 in Showcase SCUBA
Improved: Script initialization on the mission start. Functions, modules and automatic scripts are now executed on the correct order
Fixed: BIS_fnc_selectRandom no longer shows a scripting error when an empty array was passed as argument
Find more documentation on modules and other design topics here
La position verticale de la carte sur les écrans de chargement est maintenant aléatoire, apportant ainsi un peu de variété.
Fixed: Broken drawing of comboboxes in date modules
Fixed: Wrong column widths in the Multiplayer display with some UI size
Fixed: MP display error
Radio Protocol: Targeting and Reporting tweaks and fixes (distances, probabilities, etc.)
Radio Protocol: Missing words fixed for several protocols
Added: New attenuation effect for interiors of vehicles correctly dampens the outside noise (e.g. from weapons)
Added: Noise sounds for APCs
Fixed: Sounds of some vehicles have their file paths changed to correct ones
Better sound for smoke launchers
Lamps have better emissive material
Roadcone and Roadbarrier lights are now operational
Added loading screen environment trivia
Fixed: Tweaked fog on horizon and clouds (removed visible transitions for some fog settings)
Fixed: Ambient light is now correctly affected by moon and stars intensity
Fixed: Sunken fuel station on Stratis
Sprinting left and right while standing allows for quick drop to adjusted left and right urban prone positions (use prone key while sprinting sideways)
Une position adaptée apporte un bonus d'aisance (traduction incertaine ; original :
Adjusted poses received boost to fluency
Meilleure réactivité lors d'un changement de position.
Added: Korean, Japanese and Cyrillic symbols to fonts
Fixé : capacité de l'IA à suivre un ennemi qui n'est pas visible.
Fixed: Adjusted content of ammunition and weapon crates
Restructured grouping of editor objects and renamed object editor categories
Nouvelles présélections de contrôles.
Se cacher dans l'herbe affecte maintenant mieux l'IA (configuration des types de terrain sur Stratis faite).
La visibilité et l'audibilité des coups de feu de l'IA a été ajustée.
Many small objects and furniture are now PhysX-simulated when spawned in editor / via script
Note : vous avez peut-être remarqué que certains noms de faction ont commencé à changer pour ne plus être les noms de couleur génériques. Ne vous inquiétez pas, cela sera introduit correctement quand nous serons prêts. :-)
The game will now report undefined variables in scripts as an error, hopefully motivating fixes in these scripts, and better scripts in the long-term.
Post-processing SMAA fixé.
Fixed: Small performance tweak in rotation blur Post Process
Fixed: Flash suppressor changed sound of underbarrel grenade launchers
Fixed: Some cases of sliding players
Removed sensitivity smoothing for aiming deadzone
Helicopters: main rotor collision added
Helicopters: startDuration config parameter added
Added: mainBladeCenter and mainBladeRadius for all helicopters
Added: liftForceCoef, cyclicAsideForceCoef and cyclicForwardForceCoef config parameters for helicopters
Helicopters: autorotation tweaks, barrel roll tweaks
Added: added allowAgainstInfantry ammo config parameter
NVGs are hidden inside vehicles, and this can be configured per position
Added: New parameters for particles created by script
Fixed: Scripting command tvSetData
Added: Error message when trying to pass Array in Array as parameter for tree commands
Fixed: Tank shells now have visible tracer
Fixed: Freelook not turning the whole player anymore
Fixed: Inconsistent land shadow segments while switching landscapes
Fixed: Broken parallax mapping on the terrain in some places
GPU benchmark should not cause "driver not responding" conditions anymore
Instancing now takes craters into account
Changed: Particles quality is set to Standard instead of Low when Overall quality is set to Standard
L'indicateur de position a un fondu lorsque la position change.
Fixed: AI ballistic calculation
Fixed: AI now can shoot over animals
Fixed: AI now consider proper muzzle direction for rocket launchers
AI shouldn't take unguided missiles as guided
AI shouldn't use rockets against infantry that much
AI ballistic calculation improved for unguided rockets
AI prefer crouch stance while engaging
Continual fire will be decreasing position error (as a counterweight to decreased visibility of shooting)
Lock is now independent from zoom
Read more about AI tweaks and fixes here
Père fondateur
Lecteur de Sun Tzu
05-08-2013, 21h39
La mise à jour d'aujourd'hui permet d'uploader et de télécharger des missions créées par les joueurs sur le Steam Workshop
Maître du Destin
Stratège avancé
16-08-2013, 10h11
Dernière mise à jour de la branche principale :
Mise à jour 0.76 :
Il est désormais possible de télécharger et de publier des scénarios solo et multijoueurs sur le Steam Workshop.
Player is now able to freelook while holding binoculars
Better binocular animations
Improved transitions in pistol tactical movement
Pistol optics disabled when side-prone
Fix: Playback speed of ladder animations matched to vertical movement speed
Fix: Swimming animations
(animation loop gets correctly terminated when the condition evaluates to true)
Interpolations with launchers have been improved (animations)
Tweaked climbing position for ladders on Transmitter Towers
Decreased speed on ladders
Soldiers in open parts of vehicles keep their NVGs on their heads
Drivers have gone to training lessons to improve their driving capabilities
Fix: Tweaked flight model of all helicopters
Helicopters: added bodyFrictionCoef config parameter
CSAT technicians have invested some time in enhancing horizontal banking indicators in HMDs of their helos
Adjusted lift force of xH-9, AH-99 and PO-30 helicopters
Fix: Blurred tail rotor in cargo-view of xH-9
Adjusted collective of xH-9 family helicopters
Fix: Improved UH-80 lights
NATO technicians have found and removed invisible barriers around Ghosthawk
Camo version of UH-80 is now listed as made by Bohemia Interactive
Crew of AH-99 is now trained to get in proper seats
Fix: Pilot of AH-99 can get back in after having disembarked
Swapped PiPs for gunner / pilot of AH-99; improved compass
Revamped flight model of AH-99 Blackfoot to cut the slack
Technicians allowed pilots to customize their AH-99 by using setObjectTexture even to different color than V. Olive (see
Gunner of Mi-48 has his zeroing displayed
Changed glass materials on CH-49
CH-49 Mohawk should correctly show damaged hull
Fix: Bad collisions for HEMTT
Fix: Problems with lights on HEMTTs
Fix: Co-driver of HEMTT is no longer a designated role
Fix: HEMTT and Zamaks have better cargo poses
HEMTT and Zamak have new custom get out animations
Speed indicator of Zamak has been re-calibrated by CSAT technicians
Zamak has a more authentic look
HEMTT has better destruction of windows
Technicians allowed drivers to customize their HEMTTs and Striders by using setObjectTexture even to different color (see
Fix: Quadbike driving model improvements
Fix: Angular damping of land vehicles in water
Added new penetration materials for armored vehicles
Adjusted Rolled Homogeneous Armor against small arms fire
Tracked APC crews kill-able with penetrating shots
APCs damage model has been improved
(Marshal - commander first-person seeing through gun)
Corrected position for optics, coaxial machinegun made on correct place on the AMV
Fix: CSAT technicians have loaded correct color of tracers into Kamysh
Adjusted Strider engine hitpoints
Commanders of Panther have been trained to open hatch first and turn out just after that
Panther has visually improved damping
Panther commanders have been trained to pop-out of their hatch a bit less - for their own safety
Panther should be a bit higher on its suspension
Marid should have standard RCWS reticle
Improved penetration model of Marid / Marshall
Tracked APCs don't have suspension of tracker / trailer wheels
Technicians have taken some stronger light sources and installed them on speedboats
Adjusted Center of Mass of rubber boat
Technicians allowed pilots to customize their SDV by using setObjectTexture even to different color (see
Crew of Kamysh has learned how to get in from the sides to reach the hatches
Crew of APCs is allowed to show their NVGs
MRAPs are now correctly listed as made by Bohemia Interactive
Lights should be correctly visible for offroads
Reduced initial slip of offroads
Civilian vehicles should have thin metal plate materials instead of thick ones
Fix: Persistent task notification
Fix: Lighting of 3D GUI objects
Fix: Vehicle classes were not sorted alphabetically
Fix: Respawn menu was updated even after it was closed
Fix: Title of Showcases, Challenges and Scenarios displays
Added: Faction flag is now visible when inserting an unit in the editor
Added: Film grain and subtle animation for scenario overview images
Fix: Updating of weather ToolBox in MiniIntel after weather is changed in Intel
Added: Distances added to target and get in menus
Added: Launcher magazines now display their purpose in GUI to make the right choice of magazines
Added: Player's name to respawn menu
Improved: Island preview image is now larger and better proportioned
Selecting the same island twice will no longer refresh the clouds
Fix: Rendering issue of map objects. As a result, compass in the map is now re-enabled
Optimized handling of SITREP text to improve performance
Proper font for SITREP text now used instead of default
Fix: Showcase Infantry - Undefined variable error when engaging the spotters
Fix: Showcase Infantry - No artillery rounds were hitting the village at the end of the mission
Fix: Showcase Scuba - Wrong hint class used
Added: Showcase SCUBA - Danger close mortar friendly fire penalty
Fixed: Showcase SCUBA - Mortar support available in establishing shot
Fix: Showcase Vehicles - More sunlight, exfil task position, player can get in the boat before his driver now
Showcase Night - Total time for main objective changed from 1400 seconds to 1800 seconds
Showcase Night - Total time to meet extraction boat changed from 180 seconds to 240 seconds
Fix: Escape from Stratis - Mission fail is now reliable in more situations
Fix: Escape from Stratis - Wrong Author tag
Added: Escape from Stratis - Corpse removal
Fix: Showcase: Supports - Should end a bit sooner now
Fix: Combined Arms - Wrong debriefing was being shown if all players would be dead after retreat task was added
Added: Defend Kamino - New respawn inventory system
Firing Drills:
Added: 3D CP indicators now scale and alternate color to attract attention
Added: CP center, area and shooting box markers implemented
Training: CPs always shown
Competitive: previously activated and first next CP shown only
Added: Target markers implemented (active CP targets shown)
Post-completion: always shown for both rule sets as AAR
Normal, no-shoot and bonus targets indicated
Hit and missed targets indicated
Added: Competitors are healed with every reset / restart
Added: FM records with introduction, rules and tips
Added: CP briefing target box now follow different logic: top value (targets remaining) and bottom value (bonuses remaining, if any)
Added: Bonus & penalty logic between Training and Competitive made consistent
Added: First version of PiP feedback added for accuracy targets
Added: Now using symbology on selector targets
Added: Ability to immediately quit at the end of CoFs added
Added: Added audio cue when going over the next medal time
Added: CoFs now select the correct default weapon with every reset / restart
Fix: Competitor weapons were not properly reset when more weapon types were available during the CoF
Fix: Broken hint in CoF Orange
Fix: Undefined variable in CoF Blue
Fix: Undefined variable in CoF Green
Fix: CoF Green: Switched to plain version Mk. 20
Fix: Restarting within a CP would leave the IGUI element active
Fix: Medal icon sometimes shown using Training rules
Fix: Systems now terminate on competitor death (impressive achievement!)
Fix: Timing / CP UI does not close anymore when injured
Fix: Conversations all switched to radio again
FIx: Check Point and target voice messages would sometimes continue after restarting
Fix: CoF Green - Competitors were rudely teleported into the ocean
Many small objects and furniture are now PhysX-simulated when spawned in editor / via script
Camping objects now have better PhysX
Editor objects now have icons more descriptive of their shape (instead of squares with question marks)
Fix: OPFOR ammo box (wrong machine gun ammo type)
Fix: BLUFOR ammo bearer chemlights color (green instead of blue)
Correct rifle scope for BLUFOR Recon Team Leader and BLUFOR Recon Marksman
Correct uniform for BLUFOR Recon Paramedic
Updated Ammo boxes with new RPG HE rocket types
Updated special weapons ammo boxes with optics for each respective faction
Added HE grenades for JTAC soldiers
Binoculars added for Team Leader
Fix: Disappearing of objects viewed through the open doors when inside the buildings
New control presets
New key presets with fixed Track IR controls
Arma 2 original preset updated to new Zoom function
Fix: Minor vehicle controls key binds bug causing interference with new key presets
Fix: Minor optics bug in key presets. Wrong macro combination replaced by absolute number of corresponding key bind.
Fix: Few minor errors in controls presets considering the aircraft gear up / down
TrackIR Z-axis has been fixed
Adjusted visibility and audibility of fire for AI
Adjusted underwater view distance for AI
Soldiers have been trained to correctly distinguish different types of helicopters / boats as a threat for them
AI soldiers have been trained to better distinguish enemy unit types and target the highest threat
Structures should have correct cost values
Soldiers have been trained to walk on stairs better
Alpha has been sorted better for roads
Augmentation de la capacité d'emport des soldats, adaptation des poids des objets et du calcul de la fatigue
Changed uniform weight to carry ratios
Roadcone and Roadbarrier lights are now operational
Signs on Stratis have been changed to reflect factions
Fix: Typo in few values in building destruction smoke
Fix: Color of dust in mortar fire effect tweaked
Smoke effect for destroyed mortar added
Fix: Grass parts in the tracked vehicle dust effect tweaked
Fix: Dust effects for user-made airplanes are no longer under the terain
Fix: Smoke screen of vehicles deployed too close
New RPG launch effect
Number of particles in missile trail effect reduced
Added: Vehicle weapons empty cases on medium particle quality
Small tweaks of missile explosions
Blood effects have been tweaked for larger caliber hits
AMV and Kamysh properly eject shells
APCs should have enhanced fire effects
Error in explosive satchel / charge explosion effect fixed
Optimization of underwater particle effects
AI visibility properly set for all particle effects
Fix: Silenced Scorpion has correct fire modes
Fix: Hit coefficient set according to other suppressors configs
Revamped sound suppressor configuration
Fix: Incorrect alpha sorting on Mk20GL with a 3D scope
Fix: Mk.20 magazine has now correct shadows
Improved animations of Mk.20 rifle
MX and Mk.20 reload magazine animations have been improved
MX rifles have correct description of ammo used on them
MX without optics is by default zeroed according to iron sights
Fix: Issue with parts of character clipping into 3D scope
RCWS turrets share the same reticle
Fix: Cost of .45 ACP ammo compared to 9mm
RPG-42 using more realistic munitions
Added new reticle for RPG
Fix: SDAR dispersion set to more realistic value
Fix: Zeroing is now in steps 30, 100, 200, 300, 400 for SDAR
Tweak: Set recoils for TRG and Katiba
Removed shaking where it shouldn't be feel-able: autocannons, NSVT machine gun
Reduced optics shake on mortars and cannons
PCML reticle has been polished
Minor tweaks in our ammo types calibres and typical speeds to better match their real-life behaviour
Decreased priority of touch off to prevent self destructive behavior of our explosive specialists
Tweak: Engagement ranges of 30mm cannon and Skyfire rockets
Independent Mk6 should be correctly displayed as made by Bohemia Interactive
Tweak: aiRateOfFire of Titan launchers changed from 5.0 to 8.0
Countermeasures have correct name displayed
Adjusted magazineReloadTime of class Throw (for grenades)
Tweaked ammo penetration values for small caliber weapons. This follows the previous update of larger calibers. All changes are based upon real ammunition characteristics and are calculated according our analysis equations.
Added new actors and samples to Radio Protocol
Minor tweaks of Stealth Radio Protocol
Added: When reporting targets, divers, medics, MRAPs, and some other types are identified by specific word
Fix: Tracked APCs were called "tank" in radio protocol
Fix: Louder sounds for characters
Sounds of movement has been tuned for all soldiers
Added SFX samples for stance changes
Fix: Improper sound in rifle kneel inventory animations (
Echo inside of vehicles has been adjusted
Sounds of weapon closures have been adjusted (typically used for bolt moving back)
Adjusted sounds of tracked vehicles
Adjusted sounds of quad bikes
Adjusted sounds of bullet impacts
Adjusted sound volume for quad bike and offroad
Fix: Adjusted sounds for offroad
Adjusted attenuation of sounds for Offroad
Adjusted sounds for grenades (impact and smoke grenades)
Adjusted sounds for Scorpion
Adjusted sounds for ACP-C2
All cars went through technical inspection and have their sounds tuned
Adjusted sounds for 30mm cannon
Adjusted sound controllers for vehicle slip
APCs have improved sounds
Sound suppressors are now more effective on greater range (shot is not possible to hear beyond 200 meters)
Fix: After JIP, persistent functions were sometimes executed before mission objects were created
Fix: In Splendid Camera, setting daytime is now rounded to whole minutes, instead to whole hours as it was previously
Fix: Various issues with tasks in MP missions on Dedicated Server
Fix: Vehicles marked as respawn points using "Respawn Position" module were not recognized upon mission start
Fix: BIS_fnc_respawnTickets sometimes didn't update the value correctly and caused too large network load
Fix: No radio messages received from HQ when playing MP as a client
Fix: Sectors with "Ownership limit" set to 1 were not possible to capture
Fix: HQ call signs created by "Headquarters Entity" module were not assigned on clients
Fix: When multiple vehicles were synchronized to "Respawn Position" module, only the first of them was marked as a respawn point
Fix: Finalizing a sector created by sector module did not work globally
Fix: When task checked by BIS_fnc_taskState didn't exist, returned value was an ARRAY, not STRING as it should have been
Fix: missionFlow.fsm was executed too early, before the mission was initialized. This was caused by the function which calls it being tagged as 'preInit', which has now been changed to 'postInit'
Fix: Vehicle exploded after being deserted even though explosion was disabled in Vehicle Respawn module (
Fix: Supports - Supports available conversation gets spammed for each connected player
Fix: Supports - Supply drop chopper stays and fights enemy
Fix: Various issues with Supports module after respawn
Fix: Renegade players didn't receive tasks assigned to sides
Fix: When a vehicle marked as respawn position was destroyed while client was driving it, it disappeared from the list of respawn positions
Fix: When "Vehicle Respawn" module with "Force respawn" enabled was synchronized to multiple vehicles, only the first one was respawned upon mission start
Fix: When new task recipients were added, no "Task Notification" announcement was shown to them
Added: 'functionPriority' entry for module logics. It's now possible to set order in which modules are initialized. The higher the value is, the later the module function is executed.
Added: When player joins to a mission with MenuPosition respawn template, he'll be moved to the latest, not random respawn.
Added: CfgNotifications classes now supports 'soundRadio' entry; these are radio sentences played by HQ (created by "Headquarters Entity" module).
Added: Respawn loadouts in CfgRespawnInventory are no longer conditioned based on 'show' parameter. Instead, new functions BIS_fnc_addRespawnInventory and BIS_fnc_removeRespawnInventory are added to manage the loadouts in the same way as respawn positions are handled
Added: "Defend" mission type (used for example in "Defend Kamino") is now using unified sectors. Mission ends when enemy side holds all sectors on the map.
Added: "MissionEnd" respawn template will now fail a mission when all respawn tickets (set by BIS_fnc_respawnTickets) are exceeded
Added: Calling 'west call BIS_fnc_moduleSector' will now return number of sectors belonging to a side (in this case west)
Added: BIS_fnc_removeSupportLink, allowing designers to quickly disable support availability
Added: Modules disabled using 'enableSimulation' command are no longer executed
Added: On-screen functions errors are now always visible in editor preview
Added: Function logs now works automatically in the mission editor preview
Added: Functions can now be recompiled in the editor
Various undefined variables have been fixed
New function: BIS_fnc_nearestRoad that returns the nearest road segment to certain position, within given radius
New function: BIS_fnc_groupVehicles that returns all vehicles a group possesses
Added: Functions for working with associative arrays:
BIS_fnc_consolidateArray - Finds duplicates in array of strings and consolidates it to the array of sub-arrays
BIS_fnc_addToPairs - Adds a number to pair array, defined by the key. If key is not found, new entry is created
BIS_fnc_finInPairs - Searches the pair array for the 1st occurrence of the key string and returns the value associated with it
Hints in FM have been adjusted according to recent zoom changes
Optimized: Persistent global modules are no longer executed using BIS_fnc_MP, which should help with server performance
Fix: Repaired low LODs for crates
Fix: Thistles have different model
Fix: Trunk textures of some trees have been tweaked
Added correct penetration material on supply drop object
Lamps have better emissive material
Supply parachutes now have correct colors per sides
Knees of pilots look better
Added camo selections for Independent infantry models
Some plants, roads and rocks have their specular materials tweaked
Improved skin material of soldiers
Adjusted color of khaki vest
New helmet camo selections for OPFOR Heli Crew
Adjusted colors of backpacks
HAMR 3D scope specular reduced
Berret is darker and more desaturated
Desert boonie hat has better colors
Adjusted color of AAF belt
OPFOR GL vest grenade pouches made darker with green upper part
Metal barrel should look better even in distant levels of detail
Camo helmets have been improved
NVG model visible on character heads has been improved
Character head hit points are now more precise
Changed a few bag camo types and their respective icons in addition to overall character polishing
Land_CampingChair_V1_F and Land_CampingChair_V1_folded_F no longer have their models switched around
Script errors shown by default in development branch, hidden in main branch
-nologs parameter enabled for the main branch
Fix: Showcase saves can be loaded from showcase menu
Fix: Game taking significantly longer to start (due to font textures)
Fix: Fixed transfer of mission list from Dedicated Server to client
Fix: Various issues with tasks in MP missions on Dedicated Servers
Improvements: AI and rangefinding - ballistic prediction
Increased error of player position, when AI is killed by player
Hiding in the grass now affects AI better
AI ballistic calculation improved for unguided rockets
AI prefer crouch stance while engaging
Continual fire will be decreasing position error (as a counterweight to decreased visibility of shooting)
Fleeing units will not break do_not_fire command
Decreased AI hearing ability to pinpoint enemy unit position
Decreased use of prone stance when target is close
Decreased use of crouch stance when moving
Decreased use of crouch stance in stealth
Fix: AI is unable to take a backpack from a ground
AI learned how to move legs during rotation (animations)
Worked on AI recoil control, dependent on skill
Hearing (AI): speed makes a bigger difference
Fix: MP selection of an item in the inventory not stable / flashing capacity bars
Fix: Cannot add vehicle weapon to another vehicle (
Fix: Fixed missing name in MP lobby. (Headhunters, Escape from Stratis)
Changed PhysX vehicle wheel radius collision
Set minimum limit for applying PhysX forces. Cars with anti roll bars didn’t want to hibernate (to save performance when not needed)
Fix: Helicopter collisions with ground (the force was applied twice)
Fix: Rendering of weapons in the first frame after map is closed
Fix: Rendering of UI objects after windowed / full-screen switch
Fix: Errors and loss of player control if you restarted the mission during titlecards or establishing shots
Fix: Expanded combo box didn't show whole texts
Fix: Order when merging road shapes
Fix: PiP usage of SSAO / Caustics textures
Added: Echo to attenuation inside vehicles
Added: Loop, fade in and fade out for vehicle smokes
Added: Configurable muzzle flash light color
Added: Scripting commands: magazinesAmmo, magazinesAmmoFull
Added: New scripting command weaponsItems
Added: Scripting commands: addMagazineGlobal, removeMagazineGlobal, addWeaponGlobal, removeWeaponGlobal
Lock is now independent from zoom
arma3server.exe has its own icon
Player no longer chokes when swimming on the surface
Optimization of the particle system
Optimization of the visibility calculation through particles
Simulation tasks can now potentially use one more CPU core
Helicopters: Roll inputs between keyboard and Joystick are halved
Better parallax textures on ground surfaces
NVGs in enabled state are always visible inside vehicles
Animation skeleton is now loaded correctly when weapon is initialized before soldier
New scripting command for creating crew for given vehicle (createVehicleCrew)
‘Handgun On’ with launcher selected doesn't go back to launcher anymore
Tweaked sorting of sections when optimizing shape
Shérif retraité
Ami Facebook d'Hannibal
26-08-2013, 15h11
Une des mises à jour tant attendues pour ceux qui sont sur la
development branch
EXE rev. 09501
Size: ~2.1 GB
Added: 270 square kilometers of hot sun-baked Mediterranean Altis terrain
Added: Supporting assets such as static objects (some of which usable in editor)
AI rotation behaviour refined
AI accuracy calculations refined
Fixed: Helicopter engine sound played after damage
Fixed: Editor insert unit pictures, colors settings do not require restart anymore to take effect
Changed thrust and brake for tracked vehicle damaged tracks
Sound: Default volume now 100%
UI sounds volume driven by radio slider (instead of music previously)
Updated static table for network strings (MP optimization)